HAGGLUNDS液壓馬達、柱塞馬達、柱塞液壓馬達、徑向柱塞液壓馬達、HAGGLUNDS系列徑向柱塞液壓馬達。HAGGLUNDS Hydraulic drive systems、
Hagglunds Drives is a global market leader in hydraulic drive systems intended for low speed and high torque applications.
Our systems contains ahydraulic motor, power unit and acontrol system. The Group has sales of approximay 1.5 BSEK and just over 700 employees.
Drive systems are used in a wide range of industries, for example in: mining, recycling, pulp and paper, rubber and plastics, offshore, fishing, building and construction. The Group’s operations are carried on in three business areas: Industrial, Marine & Offshore and (Building & Construction). System sales account for around half of total sales, after-market services for just over one-third and component sales for the remainder.
Around two-thirds of new sales are to OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturer) and one-third to end users. Production is concentrated in Mellansel in Sweden.
The Group has subsidiaries in 16 countries with personnel in over 20 countries with approximay 50 sales- and service offices. In addition, there are distributors in around 20 countries.
The largest geographical markets are Europe, Asia, Australia and North America.
Hägglunds Drives is owned by Ratos, a listed Swedish private equity company.
Product Range
Hydraulic motor: Hydraulic gear motor
Hydraulic control equipment, general
Hydraulic power unit
Hydraulic motor: Hydraulic motor, general
Hydraulic motor: Hydraulic drive, general
Modular block system
Hydraulic motor: Hydraulic high torque motor
Hydraulic valve: Integrated valve solution
Hydraulic valve: Load control valve
Hydraulic valve: Motion vontrol valve
Hydraulic valve: Pressure limiting valve
Hagglunds drive systems begin with a hydraulic motor, but they represent a powerful combination of products. Power units, control units and other components form a modular system that is easily tailored to your specific needs. Alone or together, these products bring you the highest standards of reliability and durability.