用途: 把雜亂無章的塑料瓶整理后,有次序有方向地排列輸送機上,送到其它設備,完成下一道工序(如沖瓶、灌裝等),降低了工人的勞動強度,提高生產(chǎn)效率,同時也可避免聚脂因人手接觸造成的二次污染。 Usage: The machine orders plastic bottles and ranks them on the conveyer and pushes them to the other equipment to finish the next process (washing bottles, filling and so on), reduces the labor strength of the workers and avoids the pollution on bottles caused by hands touching.
PLP-200A理瓶機 技術參數(shù):
瓶形 Suitable bottle type(mm)
圓形 cicular or square φ30-φ90mm H100-270mm
產(chǎn)量 Production capacily(bottle/H)
10000瓶/小時 (產(chǎn)量可無級調(diào)速)
氣源壓力 Gas source pressure(MPa)
總功率 Motor power(kw)
外形尺寸 Dimension(LxH)(mm)
總重量 Weight(kg)
注:產(chǎn)品技術參數(shù)及外觀如有變動恕不另行通知 Huanyu reserves the right of changing the above technical specifications without any obligation.