DXDP60C Tablet Automatic Packaging Machine
This machine is used to package many kindsof tablet products such as pharmacetical tablets or milk ones into a bag.Widely meets the needs of some industries such as food, pesticide and animalmedicine etc. Multiple-direction vibrating,amplitude stepless regulation, highfill precision.
參數(shù) Specifications
型號 性能 | DXDP60C |
包裝能力(袋/分) Production capacity(bags/min) | 30-60 |
計量范圍(毫升) Volume margin(ml) | f 12×24 最多 f 6×200片 |
制袋尺寸(毫米) Bag size(mm) | 長(L)60-180,寬(W)50-120 |
電源電壓 Power Voltage(v) | 380V三相四線制 380V 3-Phase and 4-wire system |
功率消耗(瓦) Power Consumption(w) | 1120(加熱heating 180×4) |
外形尺寸(毫米) Dimension(mm) | 寬(W)625×深(D)750×高(H)1588 |
凈重(公斤) Net Weight(kg) | 170 |