PRODUCTFEATURES 產(chǎn)品特征: below a specifictemperature range in order to condense valuable or dangerous chemicals. The coldtrap works by condensing vapors into a liquid on the traps surface area whichis collected in the base of the trap. The colder you get the trap the morestuff can be condensed and trapped. Cold traps are attached to a vacuum systembetween the vacuum pump and the vacuum chamber in order to prevent solvents andother corrosive compounds from reaching the pump.
Methods for Cooling
Ice (water): Ice melts at around 32 degreeswhich makes it especially well suited for trapping alcohol or other high boilingpoint compounds. Ice is not cold enough to freeze water in the trap or condenselow boiling solvents like Butane. This combined with the availability of icemakes it an attractive option when used to keep contamination out of the pump.Ice keeps the trap cold enough that anything with a boiling point above 50Cwill be collected in the trap keeping the vacuum pump clean.
Dry ICE: Dry ice is frozen CO2 and does notmelt due to CO2’s vapor pressure. Instead frozen CO2 turns directly from asolid to a gas as it sublimates which is why it is called “dry” ice. CO2sublimates at a much lower temperature than water melts, -109.2 degreesfahrenheit to be precise. However Heat transfer is never 99% efficient andwhen using pelletized dry ice alone the trap gets down to about -40 fahrenheit.At this temperature highly volatile molecules such as terpenes will collect inthe trap along with dangerous solvents such as butane. In High vacuum systemsthe constantly reducing pressure leads to product loss from the trap, thecolder you keep the trap the less that happens. Dry ice Can be used around theoutside of the cold trap to keep the terpenes and other valuable componentstrapped during your vac down process .
Dry ICE with IPA(isopropyl alcohol): Dryice is extremely cold, but it’s hard to use dry ice to cool something else thatcold. This is because the dry ice has limited surface area and air is a poorconductor of thermal energy. In order to increase the efficency and “cool”faster a liquid media such as Isopropyl alcohol or anti freeze can be used.Heat(thermal energy) is transferred through water almost 20 times faster thanair making it especially good for heating or cooling. When using an isopropylbath the cold trap can get down to -67 or below which is more than aduaquate totrap terpenes of all kinds. The trap is so cold that water will collect insignificant quantities and freeze covering the surface area of the trap. Thereduced surface area also reduces the traps overall efficiency.
Liquid Nitrogen: Liquid nitrogen is theultimate extreme cold, boiling at -320.4°F Liquid Nitrogen is cold enough toFreeze gasses such as butane or propane. Nothing gets through a liquid Nitrogencold trap because almost everything condenses at -300 degrees. Liquid nitrogen coldtraps are used in ULTRA high vacuum applications in order to increase pumpingefficency. Liquid Nitrogen is so cold that Liquid oxygen can form creating apotentially dangerous situations. Extra precautions must be taken in order topurge oxygen from the system in order to make it safe to use. Liquid Nitrogenis so cold that its used in ultra high vacuum applications to keep ALLcontaminants from reaching the pumping system. It is also important to note thetrap is so cold that water will collect in significant quantities and freezecovering the surface area of the trap. The reduced surface area also reducesthe traps overall efficiency.
Keeps the vacuum pump clean.
Keeps corrosive chemicals out of the vacuumpump.
Collects Terpenes and other volatilecompounds
Achieve faster vac down time
Achieve deeper vacuum levels
Prevents oil from the vacuum system fromentering the system