揚州潤明智能裝備股份有限公司創(chuàng)建于2003年,擁有固定資產3680余萬元,注冊資本2008萬元。公司占地面積 48600㎡、建設面積26200㎡,具備年生產近1000臺(套)智能機械設備產品的能力。擁有激光切割機、機器人拋光機、數控剪板機、折彎機、數控機床、數控銑床、立式、臥式加工中心、冷凍沖擊、硬度檢測、拉力試驗機及材料化驗等*的機械加工、控制設備160多臺,具有自主經營出口權等資質。
公司是“新三板”上市企業(yè),股票簡稱“潤明智能”,股票代碼“837551”,公司是中國分離機械行業(yè)協(xié)會、工業(yè)飲料協(xié)會、食品工業(yè)協(xié)會、釀造工業(yè)協(xié)會、啤酒專業(yè)協(xié)會理事單位。是江蘇省*具有省級通用過濾分離機械技術研究中心企業(yè),獲得“國家*”、“ 江蘇省技術中心”、“ 江蘇省民營科技企業(yè)”等稱號,連續(xù)多年被評為省“重合同守信用”企業(yè),是江蘇省“AAA”級資信企業(yè)。
產品簡介 Introduction
The tower-type oxygenate system is a produce based on absorbing and digesting the foreign technology. This equipment widely used in diversified situations which needs high purity oxygenate water with high precision, good stability and strong reliability. The tower high about 6 meters, put the brewing water to the deaeration tower to oxygenate directly, adopt CO2 permutation, while completed the deaeration, the deaeration water also to achieve the partial carbonation goal. After refrigerated through sheet condenser, the deaeration water mix with clear wine and achieve the wine which clients need. The sheet refrigerate temperature adopts the automatic control system, in order to make the CO2 content in diluted water achieve the technological guideline, this system equipped with CO2 full-flushing machine, to ensure the stability of the CO2 in water. The mixture of clear wine and deaeration water control the deaeration water flux through modules, and ensure its precision. This system completes automatically through the microcomputer.
技術參數 Specification
● 供水壓力:額定流量時達到4/2bar
Water supply pressure: fixed capacity achieves 4/2bar
● 供水/出水溫度:10-35度/2-4度(用戶需提供全年zui高和zui低水溫)
water supply/Water leakage temperature: 10-35 degree /2-4 degree (user should provide all-year highest and lowest water temperature)
● 脫氧水制備能力:10-50噸/小時(客戶根據用量確定能力)
Oxigenate water preparation ability: 10-50 ton/ hours (clients determine the ability base on the usage)
● 脫氧水的溶解氧含量:小于0.02ppm(特殊要求可提供用戶小于0.01ppm產品)
The dissolved oxygen content of deoxidize water: less than 0.02ppm (can provide users with less than 0.01ppm products base on special requirements)
● 脫氣溫度:72/10-35攝氏度
Degassing temperature : 72/10-35 degrees
● 冷媒(乙二醇)溫度:-4攝氏度
Refrigerant (glycol) temperature : -4 degrees
● 冷媒(乙二醇)供給壓力:3.5bar
Refrigerant (glycol) supply pressure : 3.5bar
● 冷媒(乙二醇)流量:根據用戶的當地水溫設計
Refrigerant (glycol) flow : designed based on the local temperature
● 二氧化碳壓力:脫氧時需要2bar添加大于6bar
CO2 pressure: need to add 2bar more than 6bar during deoxidization
● 二氧化碳純度:大于99.98%
CO2 purity: greater than 99.98%
● 二氧化碳損耗:小于0.3-0.65NM3 /H
CO2 depletion: less than 0.3-0.65NM3/H