


美國DART CONTROLS華東代理店脈沖調速器132LC

  • 公司名稱上海邵歐自動化設備有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       號132LC25
  • 所  在  地上海市
  • 廠商性質經銷商
  • 更新時間2016/11/1 14:05:22
  • 訪問次數199




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warner離合器 制動器
美國DART CONTROLS華東代理店脈沖調速器132LCSince 1963, Dart Controls has been designing and manufacturing some of the world’s most reliable variable speed motor drives, controls and accessories for electric motors
美國DART CONTROLS華東代理店脈沖調速器132LC 產品信息

美國DART CONTROLS華東代理店脈沖調速器132LC
Since 1963, Dart Controls has been designing and manufacturing some of the world’s most reliable variable speed motor drives, controls and accessories for electric motors in our Zionsville, Indiana facility. Through continuous innovation, a relentless dedication to the industry, and a commitment to high quality products and dependable delivery Dart Controls has retained the leadership position it established over 40 years ago. Always seeking ways to provide total value through innovation, Dart recently expanded by adding a new Engineering and R&D facility to our Zionsville, Indiana location. Our mission is to be the company you want to do business with. We pursue this goal by continuously seeking ways to improve our quality, efficiency, and services while maintaining our commitment to our customers, employees, shareholders, and suppliers.



美國DART CONTROLS華東代理店脈沖調速器132LC


Our sales representatives cover 48 U.S. states, Canada, and Mexico, and our products are stocked by local distributors in most major cities in the U.S., Canada and certain overseas countries. MWP-12662-1 MWP-12663 MWP-12664 MWI-13654-1 MWI-13654-2 MWI-13654-3 MWI-13654-4 MWI-13654-5 MWI-13654-6 MWI-13491-1 MWI-13491-2 MWI-13491-3 MWI-13491-4 MWI-13491-5 MWI-13261 MWI-13262 MWI-13467 MWI-13466 SC-1T EC-1T SC-2T SC-3T EC-2T EC-3T SCM-1T ECM-1T SCM-2T ECM-2T 1T ALUM 1T STEEL 2T STEEL UPB1 UPB2 UPB3 UltraSLM1 UltraSLM2 CSM-2T CFL-1T CFL-2T WUPB 1 WUPB 2 WUPB 3 MO-13332-00 MO-13332-10 MO-13332-20 MO-13332-30 MO-13332-40 MO-13333-00 MO-13333-10 MO-13333-20 MO-13333-30 MO-13333-40 MO-13334-00 MO-13334-10 MO-13334-20 MO-13334-30 MO-13334-40 MO-13335-00 MO-13335-10 MO-13335-20 MO-13335-30 MO-13335-40 MO-13326-00 MO-13326-10 MO-13326-20 MO-13326-30 MO-13326-40 MO-13327-00 MO-13327-10 MO-13327-20 MO-13327-30 MO-13327-40 MO-13328-00 MO-13328-10 MO-13328-20 MO-13328-30 MO-13328-40 MO-13329-00 MO-13329-10 MO-13329-20 MO-13329-30 MO-13329-40 MO-13330-00 MO-13330-10 MO-13330-20 MO-13330-30 MO-13330-40 MO-13459-00 MO-13459-10 MO-13459-20 MO-13459-30 MO-13459-40 MO-13460-00 MO-13460-10 MO-13460-20 MO-13460-30 MO-13460-40 MO-13463-00 MO-13463-10 MO-13463-20 MO-13463-30 MO-13463-40 MO-13464-00 MO-13464-10 MO-13464-20 MO-13464-30 MO-13464-40 MO-13453-00 MO-13453-10 MO-13453-20 MO-13453-30 MO-13454-00 MO-13454-10 MO-13454-20 MO-13454-30 MO-13455-00 MO-13455-10 MO-13455-20 MO-13455-30 MO-13456-00 MO-13456-10 MO-13456-20 MO-13456-30 Over the last decade Dart has implemented the concepts of lean manufacturing. Through the use of lean tools such as Standard Work, Kanban, Kaizen, JIT, Visual Control Systems and Poka-Yoke (error proofing) we continue to improve and refine our processes and practices. The benefit to our customer is managed cash flow from a reduction to their inventory made possible by our ability to reliably deliver any size order with an extremely fast turnaround.



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